Tribal Chic is an annual fashion show hosted by the prestigious Tribe Hotel in Kenya’s capital city, Nairobi. Now in it’s 9th year of running, the show is renowned for debuting both new and upcoming and well founded African designers on it’s beautifully designed catwalk. This was the first year that Anna chose to present at Tribal Chic; putting forward a combination of the Trzebinski hero pieces, and her newest designs. Aimed at recognising and providing a platform for local and international designers, the show is always a talking point in the African fashion calendar.

Tribe Hotel is known for it’s annual fashion show in Nairobi, debuting both well established and up and coming brands newest collections. The show aims to recognise, appreciate and provide a platform for local and international designers. This year Anna Trzebinski opened the show in a very rare catwalk appearance from the brand.

Showing a collection of 9 looks for the evening, Trzebinski put her best foot forward showing the wide range of exquisite pieces she and her team design and make in their studio in Langata. Trzebinski has been working with a group of highly skilled Kenyan artisans for the last 25 years, using only the finest, sustainably sourced raw materials.